Personal Testimony

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Lillian H. Lupo

John 3:16 and John 1:12


Before I Accepted Christ.

In 1975, I found myself lonely, having no real friends, and lacking purpose … I felt something was missing in my life. Growing up on a small farm in southern Norway, I had to make long bus trips to school each day. Despite the travel hardships of going to school, I made good grades and my parents were very proud.

I spent most of my time watching television, reading books, and dreaming about traveling to other parts of the world; but this did not fill my emptiness. I thought by trying to please my parents, helping them on the farm, shop­ping for my mother, and attending Christian meetings, would make me feel better. Throughout my search, I struggled with questions like: What is real joy and happiness? Is there a purpose for my life? I also had bitter thoughts to­wards people and had difficulties accepting other people’s successes.

My Conversion Experience.

One weekend In January 1976, I learned my cousin had been killed in an auto-bicycle accident. I was in a state of shock for days, because of the bitter and jealous thoughts I had towards her. I went to a Christian meeting the following week. At the meeting, I felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit. I realized the only way to receive peace in my heart was to turn my life over to Jesus. The preacher read John 3:16. I realized Christ loved me so much, that He was willing to dry on the cross, so I could have eternal life. That night, I confessed my sin, invited Christ into my life, and He healed me of the hurt and guilt feelings I had. I asked Christ to come into my life according to the promise in John 1:12, “Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”

Christian Growth and Call to Ministry.

After accepting Christ, a huge burden lifted from my life … joy and happiness entered my heart. As I began to grow spiritually, an incredible desire developed in my heart to read God’s Word and pray.

While working in a bank in Norway, I was active teaching Sunday school, Children’s Mission Club, youth choir, witnessing, prayer, and Bible studies. Six years after I accepted Christ, I went to Switzerland to learn how to reach children with the Gospel. During this time, I felt the Lord calling me into full-time Christian ministry.

Realizing I needed more formal education, I took the advice of a missionary couple to attend a Bible college in United States. Before leaving for America, I had several short-term opportunities to serve the Lord smuggling Bibles into Rumania, with Open Doors Ministry (Brother Andrew), and Operation Mobilization. While in Bible College, I dedicated my time to studying God’s Word, inner city street witnessing, teaching Sunday school, and prayer group ministries.

After graduating from Bible College, I served In Israel as a missionary for fourteen months. While on a break, in the United States, I met my husband (Doug). After completing my com­mitment in Israel, I returned to the United States and we got married.

Currently, until my husband finishes the requirements necessary to qualify as a missionary pilot, I will continue to build expertise serving in the medical field. I praise God for giving me purpose in life and placing a real joy and happiness deep in my heart the joy I have comes only through a personal relationship with God’s one and only Son­ Jesus Christ.


Revision 3/1997