Browse category by Doug

Call to Ministry

April 11, 2017 No Comment
Douglas R. Lupo Isaiah 6:8; II Corinthians 1:15-23; Isaiah 30:18-23 Prelude to the Call. I have been a Christian since August 4, 1978, and have heard The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18ff) preached many times. I was always content in rationalizing just to be a nice person, attending church, and only sharing my faith when asked.

Personal Testimony

April 11, 2017 No Comment
Douglas R. Lupo John 1:12; Ephesians 2:8-9; 1 Peter 1:8-9 Before I Accepted Christ. I was raised in a Christian family. Both of my parents insisted we go to church every Sunday. Essentially, I felt I was a pretty good guy. Some buddies and I used to have a saying that went, “I don’t drink,